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news iconSaturday 15th November, 2003

Added Banksy wallpaper pack, submitted by 'Eyes'. You can preview it on the Packs page.

news iconTuesday 7th October, 2003

Version 0.42b is released.

  • Changes to the Date Format are now saved properly.
  • When in the smallest box style the Day Headers sometimes didn't displayed what they were suppose to.
  • Some people were going though the calendar and the wrong month was being displayed.
  • Added a program in the installation to reset Desktop Calendars positioning.

You can find it on the download page.

news iconSaturday 19th April, 2003

I've updated the screenshots page for new version.

news iconFriday 11th April, 2003

Version 0.41b is released. It just fixes a few bugs, in particular the seemingly random "Error Loading Data File" message.

You can find it on the download page.

news iconFriday 21st March, 2003

Version 0.4b is finally released. Here's what's new..

  • Balloon Tooltip now close when click on something else.
  • Made it so if the calendar is set to sit on the bottom of the screen then when it goes into compact mode it now goes down to the start bar instead of just floating in mid air. This currently not done when in the middle left\right\center position on the screen.
  • Fixed a positioning bug where sometimes the calendar didn't update it's position after moving the start bar.
  • Now instead of a validation check for (") they are just replaced with (').
  • The Events window now has a scroll bar for when there is a lot of text. This also means that the mouse wheel can now be used.
  • You can now make the Desktop Icons have transparent backgrounds (Experimental).
  • Balloon Tooltips now show how many days to an event or how many day after an event.
  • Fixed a small bug with the Balloon Tooltips positioning.
  • You can now manually change the Start Day of the Week by right clicking on the day header.
  • Option of disabling the Splash screen.
  • You can now specify the Time Limit of the Auto Compact mode from 1 second to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed a bug to do with the F12 hotkey and Auto Compact Mode.
  • Before when you use the '&' symbol in an event it would show up as an underscore. This is now fixed.
  • You can now display the date in the Title Bar using the Date Format of your system.
  • Now displays the number of Characters and Words when entering events.
  • Fixed a bug when setting the colours sometimes the current day wouldn't be set properly.
  • Reduced the spaces between the cells when using the Rectangular box style. This gives the style a tighter more compact look.
  • Introduced a new 'mini' box style. This allows you to have the calendar as small as possible.
  • You can now tell when the calendar has focus (is selected) by the colour of the title bar. Like all the colours this is customizable.
  • Newly installed Wallpaper Packs didn't use to show up till you either restarted the calendar or opened the settings window a few times. Now they should load whenever the settings are opened.
  • You now have the option not to close the events window with a carriage return (Enter Key). This means that it is now easier to enter multiple lined events.
  • The OK button in the events window can now be activated by using Alt+O.
  • Esc will now cancel an open events window.
  • Numerous other bug fixes and improvements I've forgotten.

You can find it on the download page.

news iconTuesday 4th February, 2003

Someone has e-mailed saying that February in the Default Wallpaper Pack is spelt wrong. I'd like to say it was a deliberate mistake and now you've spotted it you've all won big prizes!!!! Unfortunately, it's just my bad spelling again. :(

You can either download a different pack or you can replace the effected picture...

Go to the directory where you first installed Desktop Calendar and open up the folder named 'Default'. e.g...

"C:\Program Files\Desktop Calendar\Default"

Now replace the file called "2.jpg". Then delete the temporary file "2.bmp" which is also in the folder. To see changes you can either restart windows or open up the Desktop Calendar settings window (right click on one of the day cells and select Settings from the drop down list) and then click on 'Ok'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

news iconSunday 19th January, 2003

The Packs page was getting cluttered and taking a while to load so I split it into five sections. There's Movies, Cars, Computer, Landscapes and Other. Speaking of packs, I've added a Sunrises and Sunsets wallpaper pack, submitted by Barbara Durham. You can preview it on the Landscapes page.