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news iconThursday 20th December, 2001

Bug fixing release of 10. Slide Show:

  • Bug fix, mouse pointer sometimes didn't re-appeared after a show

news iconSunday 7th October, 2001

Added version 0.3 of 10. Slide Show

Slide Show

  • You can now temporally remove a picture from the show by pressing Backspace
  • Now when creating a Slide Show from a folder you can include subfolders
  • The mouse cursor is now hidden when a slide show is running
  • A file filter (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif) is now used when making a slide show from a folder
  • The Menu now stays after a show has ended
  • The settings used when slide showing from a folder are now kept
  • You can now Slide Show from the root directory of a drive without it crashing


  • You can now move images up and down the show list
  • When selecting an invalid drive it now doesn't crash
  • The file filter been updated to (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif)
  • You can now load previously saved files and edit them
  • You can now multiple select images to add
  • The settings from the last session are now kept

news iconThursday 4th October, 2001

Added version 0.22 of Timed Shutdown:

  • Now you don't have to set the Time Format
  • Due to the removal of the time format it no longer has to save settings to the registry
  • Tidied up some of the code
  • Now it will NOT let you set an invalid time
  • The info pane now shows if count down is on or off
  • Made background of pictures transparent so they look better when using different windows schemes
  • Reduced size of .EXE from 84.0 KB to 64.0 KB

news iconFriday 28th September, 2001

New program Wallpaper Changer added.

news iconWednesday 26th September, 2001

New program Timed Shutdown added.