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Support Icon10. Slide Show - Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

   1. Can I put my slide show on a CD?
   2. Can I publish my slide show on the internet?
   3. What does the 'Keep Ratio' option do?
   4. What does the 'Message' option do?
   5. What does the 'Shuffle' option do?
   6. What does the 'Loop' option do?

1. Can I put my slide show on a CD?

At the moment there is no easy way to distribute the slide show files on CD. Unfortunately the program is really only designed to work on a single machine. When you save a Slide Show it simply makes a list of the location of all the images on YOUR hard drive. This means that if you sent someone the slide show file (or burnt it to a CD), unless they had the same pictures in EXACTLY the same location on their machine it wouldn't work.

It is possible if you edit files and change path names, but it is not a simple matter. I'm hoping to release a separate program sometime in the future that will do all the hard work for you.


2. Can I publish my slide show on the internet?

No, there's no way to integrate the slide show files with a web page. You also can't offer it to download as it suffers from the same problem as distributing it on CD (see above for more detail).


3. What does the 'Keep Ratio' option do?

This option is available when the display mode is set to 'Fullscreen'. It tries to keep the proportions of the image when it's enlarging it.


4. What does the 'Message' option do?

If the 'Message' (or rather 'Pause Message') option is enabled, then when the slide show is paused, a note will appear in the center of the screen telling the user. Otherwise there will be no indication that the show has stopped.


5. What does the 'Shuffle' option do?

The 'Shuffle' option means the images are displayed in a random order.


6. What does the 'Loop' option do?

'Loop' means the Slide Show will be continually repeated until you exit the program. If this isn't selected, then when the end of the list of images reached the program will automatically close.